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Ce tutoriel est également valable pour accéder à la plate-forme ClinicalKey Nursing (soins infirmiers). Si vous possédez déjà un compte chez l'éditeur Elsevier 

Extra resources that accompany textbooks such as lesson plans, quizzes and case studies are available for ClinicalKey Student Nursing, the Quick Start Guide below will assist in getting started. Please contact to request an instructor access code. ClinicalKey Student Webinar: Nursing and Midwifery Foundations - YouTube.

Clinicalkey student nursing

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Clinicalkey student nursing

CINAHL vänder sig till dig som vill Clinical Key. Mer info.

Extra resources that accompany textbooks such as lesson plans, quizzes and case studies are available for ClinicalKey Student Nursing, the Quick Start Guide below will assist in getting started. Please contact to request an instructor access code. ClinicalKey Student Webinar: Nursing and Midwifery Foundations - YouTube.
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They provide sample discussion points and suggestions for the facilitator, as well as links to ClinicalKey Student for further reading and understanding. Sample Case #1: Uncomplication community acquired pneumonia; suitable for clinical years students, or all years of an integrated course.

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